The Route

The Route
It is a very long way.....

Thursday 9 December 2010

28th Nov - Biked from Stratford to Nicholson

Up at 8ish and had a lovely morning with Lu and Kim again. I helped out with their computer and tv issues. It felt good to be able to give some thing back to two people who have been so generous and fun. I really enjoyed their company and banter over the last couple of days.

It was raining heavily first thing in the morning but stopped by the time I was ready to go. We spent some time taking videos and photos etc and saying good bye and then I finally got on my bike and headed towards Bairnsdale. I really hope that we will remain friends and in contact.

Had a great tail wind and was flying along. I spent some time playing with my new video recorder. It will attach both to my helmet (I look like a big tit!) and also to the front pannier bag. I am not sure yet which way will work best. The helmet will have less vibrations and is easy to turn on and off but I look like an idiot. Oh well - do I really care?

I managed to lose a part from the camera attachment and as I had left a load of spare parts with Kim and Lu I phoned them and they very kindly bought them out for me. It turned out I had the right part in my posession and so I felt rather guilty! Good to see them again though.

I did some shopping in Bairnsdale and then biked on to Nicholson and down the country lane where Peter and Mirran live. They are a lovely older couple. Peter is an avid cyclist - which is how he knows Kim. They took me under their wings like I was another one of their foster children (so far they have fostered 120!). They fed me chinese and lots of tea :-) Had a early night.

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